Saturday, May 11, 2013


The main part of intellectual education is not the acquisition of facts but learning how to make facts live.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

A college education is a gift that you give yourself.  Nothing can take away the knowledge that you worked so hard to gain.  It becomes a part of you and shapes you into the person you will become.  You alone can earn it - it is your accomplishment!

My beautiful niece is graduating today.  Congratulations!  I am very proud of you!

Aunt Janet's Famous Sayings

"If there's a will, there's a way."

I wanted a college education.  I took out loans, worked while others were playing (or studying), had limited "extras", ate a lot of macaroni and cheese, but I did it!  I paid my own way through college.

I hear kids and parents say that they cannot afford to send their children to college.  Yes, a college education costs a heck of a lot more than when I went, but, if a person truly wants it, they can do anything their heart desires.  I have two nieces that graduated from college in the last couple of years, and they did it all by themselves!  Not only did they give themselves a gift of a college education, but they earned it!  Be proud!

Beauty Tip

Honey to get rid of blemishes.  I'm not sure where I heard about it, but I tried it.  It's sticky, but it works!  My doctor said that honey is a natural antiseptic so that's why it works. 

My Challenges for 2013

  1. Post to blog.  (I'm shooting for weekly.)  - Okay, I fell short on this one.  Lately, I've experienced many challenges in life, and let's say they haven't all been positive.  I did not want this to come out in my blogging.  Who wants to hear about negative things?  I know, I know.  I need to count my blessings and write about them.
  2. Keep house organized.  (This is a big challenge for me.  I especially hate paper.)  I really hate paper.  One improvement that I have noticed, it doesn't take as long to pick up the house.  So, I guess I am improving on this.  I'll keep pushing on about this goal.
  3. Crochet a sweater.  I am more than half way done.  Okay - I did take a break and crochet a wrap for my sister, a bridal purse for my niece, and I'm working on a poncho for me.  I found a passion that I forgot about, so I am confident that I will get this sweater done and much more.
  4. Eat healthy.  I have been eating less junk food, and more fruits.  Now, I need to get my husband on the same track as me, and then we'll both be eating healthier.  Oh, he's be doing most of the cooking lately.
  5. Get my mom's house organized.  (Bigger challenge for both my mom and my sisters.)  Slowly...
  6. Make homemade cheese (my Christmas gift from my husband).  I did this!  I made cheddar cheese.  It needs to age for a couple of months, so we haven't tasted it yet.
  7. Preserve more homegrown food.  Garden is being planted, and I'm trying to plant more of what we eat.  I guess I'm on my way to checking this one off as a big "Yes"!
  8. Learn to sew (again).  Have to work on this one.  Now, I have a Home Ec teacher in the family to assist me - my niece whose graduating today!
  9. Learn one new thing every day.  Ongoing goal.  I love to learn new things, so I am confident that I will accomplish this goal, maybe not on a daily basis, but I will learn.
  10. Plan monthly craft nights with my sisters and nieces.  With weddings, new babies and what not, we really have not had the time.
  11. Sell on ebay until all my stuff is gone.  Still selling...
  12. And above all, Enjoy LifeCounting my blessings, allowing myself "fun" time, doing activities I enjoy, ...

Until later,
Aunt Janet

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